Related Games > Crazy Kong
John McCurdy goes big time and gets 852,100 on Crazy Kong!
Kongratulations to McCurdy on his amazing score on Crazy Kong. An amazing achievement. It's great to see Crazy Kong gets a new round of competition! And to Justin Elliot who had the record for less than a month. I know how you feel. I had the highest score on Jr for about a month before Mr. Kiehl put his foot down on that one.
Now the only question is, is 900k possible?
Again, big props to legendary gamer John McCurdy!
8) 8) 8)
hmmm strange he comes out of the shadows .. Hiding behind the bushes for months
--- Quote from: Simpsons99 on February 18, 2023, 04:30:58 pm ---hmmm strange he comes out of the shadows .. Hiding behind the bushes for months
--- End quote ---
Given how private McCurdy has been over the years, this isn't strange at all. This community is made up of a whole collection of personalities. I'm glad we don't all act the same and talk the same. People do things differently and I think it's great!
Hello any body <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> <Allen>there.. serpie hello..
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