Came across ost on a Twitch stream, he was talking about wishing for Arcade Archives submissions.
If I may, I'll pitch a vote to allow them, with a full video recording. xelnia expressed problems around joystick verification, but I don't think such a thing really makes sense given that MAME submissions are accepted without any similar verification. There's 100 different controller options available on the Nintendo Switch (including USB keyboards!), and all the Arcade Archives port of DK demands is that it can get some inputs, it doesn't care how. That's fundamentally the same as MAME, too.
While accuracy of the emulation is still fairly unknown, it does appear "good enough" to be similar to a real cabinet or MAME. As long as the full video recording exists, I'd say go for it. Just mark it on the HSL as being Arcade Archives, same as what's done for cabs (and ROM variants of them) and MAME versions.