General Donkey Kong Discussion > General Donkey Kong Discussion

He's suing again

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Firstly I apologise if this is in the wrong subforum, or if it's not allowed at all.

But assuming it's ok to talk about, I happened to see this news article today.

(ignore the video at the top)

(suggestion: a different name for this topic (or a name specifying the "He" mentioned here))


why do people continue to care about this?

yeah its weird to care to see Billy face justice,
 I mean after all <Billy> and fucknuts <Walter> manipulate the system and waist everybuddy time, interfere in their hopes dreams and striping Hank and Steve of their title`s that was rightfully there`s :(  . The even man has death on his hands and he wont stop,,, I want to see him demolish in court , it i won the 60 mill ill put 5 aside hire the best layers pay odd the right people for info,, id will sue him into eternity...       


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