Author Topic: Australian Kong Off 3  (Read 33465 times)

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Re: Australian Kong Off 3
« Reply #30 on: August 12, 2019, 03:58:56 am »
It's been 8 weeks, when team BM wrote "in 3 week's there will be evidence put forth"

 <Billy> "Here's a riddle for you. You know how to keep a bunch of losers in suspense?"

 Kappa  Kreygasm  <YSG>  Kappa "No, Billy, how?"

 <Billy> "I'll tell you in 3 weeks."

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Re: Australian Kong Off 3
« Reply #31 on: August 12, 2019, 04:25:57 am »
In my post I may have come across as harsh. I agree I  am not doing anything to promote the game.
I don't know a single member of this community,  so I  am nocommenting on any individual here. I only got into this game this year and my interest had nothing to do with the scandal or King of Kong (which I have never seen.)
 I come from a sporting background, so seeing a bracket change like that is shocking to me from an administrative point of view, if it doesn't bother the players, so be it.
Personally, I was disappointed in the stream. I don't care what channel it was on, I  care about the content. I am severely hearing impaired and to tune in and see 2 guys talking that I have no idea what they are saying is frustrating.  I wanted to see some of the great Donkey Kong being played. Even when they were trying to show game play there were multiple issues. At on point, one camera was aimed way from the cabinet monitor and we saw the frame of the cabinet. I just think that could have gone much better.
I am glad there is someone arranging these live events. The community does need them.
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Re: Australian Kong Off 3
« Reply #32 on: August 12, 2019, 05:02:08 am »
First, congrats to the Aussie Kong Off 3 organizers - I didn't get a chance to tune it, but it's always fantastic to see fellow gamers come together to celebrate and compete on a classic title.

Hector, I agree, maybe the next phase is a new "Kong Off" competition, or a community decision to designate an existing DK competition as the destination for players who want to see what happens with a BM-free event. Logistically, I think it's a steep hill to climb, whatever issues arose from time to time Richie made a KO possible year after year, I don't see anyone right now doing all the work he does to create an alternative KO. I'd disagree that the KO is the only thing that DKF has going for it - hang out a bit longer, you'll see that there's life before and after a KO event that isn't KO-focused. And while BM surfaces here and there, the community has by and large moved on, as it should be. Onwards and upwards. I would guarantee you that after BM releases the results of his professional investigation, you'll rarely if ever hear of BM again on DKF and other platforms. It's the only thing, and truly relevant thing, that's left - see Weehawk's post.

I missed that BM promised new evidence fairly recently. I've lost track of how many times I've heard this, I think most have stopped tuning in - it's turned into the boy who cried wolf situation now. Nothing to see here. Move along.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2019, 05:05:11 am by colecomeister »
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Re: Australian Kong Off 3
« Reply #33 on: August 12, 2019, 06:59:03 am »
I'd like to congratulate the (at least) 15 players that scored higher in this Aussie Kong Off than in their previous appearances:

Sean Tagg
Greg Pell
Shaun Ruhland
Chris Jennings
Derek Broadfoot
Aaron Raynor
Neil Cairns
Luke Bushell
Charlie Milne
Mike Coolican
Adam Williams
Steven Riding
Marc Bell
Rhi Coolican
David Clarke

I obviously have a lot to say about everything else, but at the end of the day it's us vs. the monkey, and these players stepped up in a tournament setting. I don't know if these are all PBs for these players, but they all did a great job regardless. Congrats!
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Re: Australian Kong Off 3
« Reply #34 on: August 12, 2019, 07:34:32 am »
Laugh all you want but this community continues to go into a downward spiral, yet has failed to remove the tumor it claims has held it back.
The Kong Off event is all this place has left, so unless someone else steps up, this community continues to rely on Billy Mitchell for attention
which is sad because you all agree he is a cancer, complain about him, took action but can't seem to move on.

I would love to see this community succeed and do things to unite the entire community, if the goal is to do it without Billy then do it!
But from what I been hearing nothing has happened...I just been watching as you guys pray the Kong Off dies which is just sad.

You might want to spend a bit more time with the community before deciding that you're an expert on what it does. In the past six months alone we've had the following events:

- Battle of the Arcades (Live event)
- BotA AU/NZ (Live event)
- Yolympics (Online event)
- Marp T16 (Online event)
- CT11 (Online event)
- Summer Yolo (Online event)

In addition we've supported individual gamers working on thing like:
- New WR on Donkey Kong
- New WR and marathons on Excitebike
- New strats on DKJr
- Random Galaga BS
- Continued making fun of DK3
- etc.

All of this done without drama, by the community and for the community. No one got accused of cheating in any of our events. No one rage quit one of our events. No one got accused of fleecing donations from any of our events. We've had more new members join the community in the past year on our discord server than have gone to all of the Kong Offs combined.

Just because the drama crowd doesn't actually participate with the hobby or the community don't think that the rest of us haven't move forward. If anything it's the drama crowd who is still in the past and keep trying to drag this community back with it.

You're more than welcome to participate and move forward with us.

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Re: Australian Kong Off 3
« Reply #35 on: August 12, 2019, 07:42:20 am »
I don't get what you guys are bitching about. Richie and so many others work hard to put this event together. Walter and Billy were brought out because they have name recognition, they know how to present themselves, and despite the whole controversy they were major stars in an indie film which still makes them marketable. Their names are linked to Donkey Kong, and if it weren't for them, Donkey Kong wouldn't have been as competitive as it has been for all these years.

I get why you guys wanted to destroy Billy's reputation and credibility, but what I don't get is why you guys bitch about it when I don't see any of you guys doing the hard work to put together your own events. You guys won for fucks sake! What more do you want? For the Kong Off's to stop? You guys know damn well Richie is good buddies with Walter and Billy, so of course he is going to include them, of course he is going to tap into Billy to help draw attention to it. If that bothers you, then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! It seems like you guys just want this entire community to just die off. But if removing Billy is your goal I can't see why you guys can't create your own events. Promote them, and slap some sort of celebrity into the mix. What's the point of this forum if you guys can't even unite to do something positive, it seems you can only unite when it comes to destroying people, and before you get into the semantics of that, you guys did destroy Billy's reputation - whether that is good or bad is up to interpretation. Outside of that, if you aren't going to do anything about it, then shut up about it.

Good lord. The guy cheated. For years. He stole recognition from other people so he could succeed. If this were any other kind of competition, he wouldn't be allowed anywhere near an event. If these events want to be more legitimate, they have to stop inviting him to compete in them, and they definitely have to stop letting him compete while giving him special treatment like they did at this event. It de-legitimizes the whole thing. And quit blaming his critics. They didn't cheat. They aren't lying about it. Nothing bad that happens at these events or to this community is because of them. Billy is the one who caused all this and continues to lie and perpetuate it for the sake of his own livelihood, his own paychecks and notoriety, and the paychecks and notoriety of his friends and family. He will literally walk over any you for the sake his own success and self preservation. Do you respect him? Have no doubt that he would step on every aspect of your existence if he thought he had to in order to keep his place. That is a fact.

At Gen Con in Indiana recently, my friend witnessed him attempting to get a perfect Pacman score, and when the machine lost power he threw a tantrum, hitting the game and cussing everyone out. Over a video game. What a class act. He must hate doing all this shit at this point, but it's his job. All he's got is his charisma, and when his patience is rattled the real Billy comes out. This is the dude you are defending. A cheating prick. And yet the community is the problem, not Billy. Right. 
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Re: Australian Kong Off 3
« Reply #36 on: August 12, 2019, 11:40:41 am »
Billy Mitchell is a BM. I don't care how good you are at something. If you're an entitled prick who has been proven to be a cheater, you can rot. Giving someone special treatment at a tournament (not a convention or expo) is a real mistake  **EDIT: ...even if you're a player with a sterling reputation let alone one who's a purported cheater**. If Billy said, "let me sit on a machine and let it be the one that the finals are played on or else I dont' show" then they should've said "Sorry Bill"
« Last Edit: August 12, 2019, 11:49:06 am by bensweeneyonbass »
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Re: Australian Kong Off 3
« Reply #37 on: August 12, 2019, 12:15:09 pm »
This might not be an apples to apples to comparison, but i'd like to say why i quit magic the gathering for 7 years, as how past time games did things reminds to me feels simliar to how people are now responding to the kong off

pasttime games ran (probably still runs) magic events at gencon. All weekend long they NUMEROUS times changed the rules in the middle because what they agreed to wasnt as beneficial to them as they hoped
1. alot of people simply showed up to their gencon event on hopes of a very expensive draft -- winners of prior events would have the right to enter another high profile event with crazy expensive packs (cards) invovled. alot of people bought tickets for that reason alone. then once the evnet started "ooops we didnt know the packs were that expensive we're now swapping out the most expensive one of all with the cheapest one, but dont worry all the other packs stay".
2. for their side events there was a display case with prizes under lock and key.  me and my friends entered an event and paid the price because of the prizes of course. we came in 1st and 2nd, and we went to claim our prize it was gone. they acted like it was an unavoidable mistake, but again they were under lock and key on dispaly as the prizes and we're to belive they just went missing? heck we even looked over a few feet away and saw the same prizes on dispay for $70, but they told us we could pick any $30 dollar prize since thats the value. so they swapped out the expensive prize for signficantly lower store credit, lied about the prize going missing, and lied about the value despite their own value for it being displayed in plain site
3. for yet another event they did seem to make an honest mistake of shortchanging everyone who basically won a small prize, with a smaller prize -- so swapping out $10 prize for $5 for example. those of who complaine were compensated but no announcement was made for the people who didnt realize or were timid. so they'd only correct the mistake to the few who went out of their way to insist on payment but noone else.

look we're nerds, we complain alot, but we keep going back. the one line though, is when you take time of work, drive a few hundred miles, pay 100s of dollars for a hotel room (ok fine i might've paid more because the only hotel in the area that allowed pets was kinda pricey), pay for the events only to have the rules changed (prize swapped) after they took your money then yeah, that theft. and with that sort of fraud, yes i stopped going.

richie needs to take this one seriously. people will bitch and moan about billy but still move on. people though i find dont tend to be so forgiving when you promise them one thing in exchange for money and then defraud them by giving them something else. when money is on the table, and bait and switch is used, its been my experience people are more likely to see this as "theft" or "fraud" than they are to see it as unfortunate.
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Re: Australian Kong Off 3
« Reply #38 on: August 12, 2019, 12:30:17 pm »
I saw Richie responded to the complaints from this forum on his facebook page.
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Re: Australian Kong Off 3
« Reply #39 on: August 12, 2019, 12:49:59 pm »
I saw Richie responded to the complaints from this forum on his facebook page.

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Re: Australian Kong Off 3
« Reply #41 on: August 12, 2019, 01:11:19 pm »
What was the Bait and Switch/Fraud that went down during this Kong Off?

Side note, i saw the Gencon stream when the power strip was unplugged on Billy and Robbie's cabinets, they stood up asking basically, "What the heck?" and looked around, no one was "cussing everyone out" I think Robbie might of swore when he jumped up but that was all I saw on the stream. It sounded like someone they knew unplugged it by mistake, just an honest mistake, they sat down and both goth back to work on the cabs. Thats what it seemed like in the stream, which can be found on the video for anyone looking for it, Robbie had a WR game going and was at 720k when it happened.
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Re: Australian Kong Off 3
« Reply #42 on: August 12, 2019, 01:22:48 pm »
i'm just going by what i heard from others, but i'm refering to the same complains here. swapping brackets. also the other accusation is in qualifications everyone was supposed to be able to take turns right? but allegedly billy got to just stay parked on a machine which would be an advantage and not what people thought they were signing on for

i cant speak if these accusations are true or not, i'm only saying if they are true organizers need to realize complaints are way more serious when it has to do with the service paid for
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Re: Australian Kong Off 3
« Reply #43 on: August 12, 2019, 01:41:23 pm »
in qualifications everyone was supposed to be able to take turns right? but allegedly billy got to just stay parked on a machine which would be an advantage and not what people thought they were signing on for

Richie says it's true, and agrees that it was wrong.
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Re: Australian Kong Off 3
« Reply #44 on: August 12, 2019, 02:31:41 pm »
But he said it didn't give BM an advantage - not entirely sure how that's the case, but I guess on this one there'll be a difference of opinion. And I don't mean to besmirch the organizers - I know their goal was to keep it fun and cordial, and I suspect it would be awkward to "enforce the rules" on someone who should know better as a quasi-guest and veteran player. There are lessons learned after every event to be applied next time.
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