« on: November 28, 2017, 10:46:51 am »
Only 3 more days left for our movember event we raised $516.05 so far
http://tiltify.com/events/twitchinformo-movember-2017If we raise $1000 I will suffer through one hour of dragster, donkey kong, junior, donkey kong 3, crazy kong, and d2k(if I can find it) each. Probably will do each stream separate
« Last Edit: November 28, 2017, 11:37:37 am by wolfman24 »

barra on hearing wolf for the 1st time "wolf is a child and that is a man talking"
Barra [11|Jul 04:57 PM] Barra: I'll be happy with whatever wolf decides, but will still do my fair share of whinging