High Score Lists > Donkey Kong High Score Lists

Top Scores For the Month!

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So this might be fun, as long as zero effort gets put into it.

Let's pretend that our "collective Donkey Kong machine" got turned off once a month, at 12:00 AM on the 1st, and we repopulated the high score table until the switch got flipped again.

Where would we be at this point for July?

Robbie is "employee of the month", of course.

I'm probably wrong, but I think Brian Allen is in second with his 861,100.

I have no idea who fills out the rest of the spots (maybe Jeff Wolfe with his no-hammer game?), but yeah.

Anybody interested?

Call out your scores and I'll throw up a top 5.

Top Scores For July
1. 1,070,200 22-1 - Robbie Lakeman, 7/5
2. 1,021,100 22-1 - Robbie Lakeman, 7/11
3. 882,400 22-1 - Chris Icenhour, 7/15
4. 862,500 22-1 - Martin Laing, 7/13
5. 861,100 22-1 - Brian Allen, 7/9

DELETED :::: Cause i got the topic wrong :(

haha nick! or the amount of times christian has mentioned him monitor with out a video so we can help him. ???

Cool idea!

Honestly, I'd put Jeff Wolfe above Brian, for sure. I'd probably even put him above Robbie, but that is a closer call.

Whoah, I'm just going by pure scores here!

Actually, maybe "player of the month" isn't the best title for this, because that implies a degree of judging/interpreting/debating and whatnot, which is exactly what I DON'T want!  ;D

I just want a dumb, simple, casual high score table.

As in, if everybody with a forum/streaming account were playing on the same DK machine, what would the high score table be?

I think it's kind of neat sometimes to see the kinds of scores that people are getting in their day-to-day play but don't bother mentioning.


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