High Score Lists > Donkey Kong High Score Lists
Poll: Should ArcadeSD PCB scores be allowed on the HSL?
We currently allow "x-in-1" scores on the HSL, since those PCBs are based off an older version of MAME. They are marked as "Multi" instead of being "Arcade" or "MAME" and they require complete video footage and proof of a four-way restrictor.
ArcadeSD is a custom-built emulator. I have no experience with it whatsoever, so I can't personally say anything about the accuracy of the emulation one way or another. Tim Sczerby and Wes Copeland believe it is accurate. See this thread for their opinions and Aaron Truitt's info on the custom nature of the emulator.
It's definitely more accurate than the 60-in-1. The 60-in-1 uses a modified ROM. I've played DK pretty extensively on the ArcadeSD and I noticed no difference than playing on my normal board. For the record, it also includes Pauline, D2K, DKJr, and DK3, and they're all accurate as well.
My understanding, and plenty of feedback on the ArcadeSD from those not just in the DK community, is the implementation is very exacting and the emulation is more precise than other offerings. I don't have personal experience, but based on everything I've ever read about the product, I have no problem with it being included for acceptability.
Publicly voting yes on this one. Hoping to see <Tim> back in action soon. Good luck sir!
Bumping so this thread will stay in "Recent Posts" for a bit. Current tally is 9 for and 0 against. Looking good for ArcadeSD...
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