High Score Lists > Donkey Kong High Score Lists

Misc Donkey Kong Challenges

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So, yesterday I was in the process of moving to a new house, when during a break in packing I decided to try the bottom-up-bottom-up challenge. Coincidentally, I got it on my first try! This was on my arcade machine, and I'm kinda disappointed I don't have a video of it, since it went surprisingly smoothly (I finished it with 4700 points total and with 200 on the bonus timer still). This was my first time achieving this on an arcade machine, so now I've finally done it on both platforms.

This gave me an idea to post a list of some of the extra little miscellaneous challenges people have come up with in the past. We can keep this up to date with maybe a list of who has achieved each of them, and I thought that would be cool.

1-1 with 4000 left on bonus timer
*Jeff Harrist (mame)
*Scott Cunningham (mame)
*Mitchell Elliott (arcade)
*Ben Falls (mame)
*Andrew Barrow (mame)
*Daniel Desjardins (arcade)

1-2 Bonus timer challenge
*Jeremy Young (3900 left)
*Mitchell Elliott (3700 left)
*Jason Nugent (3700 left)

Hammer a barrel on the 1st Girder
*Jason Nugent
*Ben Falls
*Allen Staal

1-1 BTBT (bottom-top-bottom-top) (maybe separated this further based on if the hammers were used)
*Vincent Lemay (no hammer)
*Mitchell Elliott (used bottom hammer)
*Dean Saglio (no hammer?)
*Ethan Daniels (bottom hammer?)

1-1 up and down every ladder (even broken ones; for the final ladder, go up the first time until you are only on the girder)
*Mitchell Elliott
*Allen Staal

1-2 up and down every ladder (very difficult!)
*Mitchell Elliott (did 1-1 and 1-2 back to back like this)

1-1 only back jumps (points)
*Mitchell Elliott (3800)

1-1 most jumps
*Dean Saglio (110 jumps *survived*)
*Mitchell Elliott (104 jumps *survived*)
*Allen Staal (83 jumps *died*)

0 points on 1-1 (and while completing the stage)
*Robbie Lakeman
*Vincent Lemay
*Mitchell Elliott
*Ethan Daniels
*Dan Desjardins
*Allen Staal
*Tim Kreh

lowest score marathon on 1-1 1-man (can't climb top ladder to avoid barrels)

lowest score marathon on 1-1 all-men (can't climb top ladder to avoid barrels)

800 points on level 1
*Robbie Lakeman
*Vincent Lemay
*Tim Kreh

1-1 bottom girder only (points) (4 man)
*Phil Tudose (20,600 points)
*Mitchell Elliott (17,600 points)
*Ethan Daniels (17,100 points)
*Allen Staal (15,000 points *had two survival men in a row!*)

1-1 bottom girder only (non-survival) (1 man)
*Phil Tudose (7100 points)
*Mitchell Elliott (6500 points)
*Jeff Harrist (5300 points)
*Ethan Daniels (5000 points)
*Allen Staal (3,800 points)

1-1 bottom girder only (survival) (1 man)
*Phil Tudose (6500 points)
*Ethan Daniels (5400 points)
*Jeff Harrist (4900 points)
*Mitchell Elliott (4200 points)
*John McKinnell (4100 points)
*Allen Staal (3,800 points)

Most 1-1 bottom girder only survivals in a row
*Allen Staal (2)

1-1 bottom girder only (low score) (1 man)
*Jeremy Young 000 (Perfect score!)

Jeff Willms' Wild Barrel Hack 1-1 (points)
*Mitchell Elliott 8,300

Jeff Willms' Wild Barrel Hack!!! (points)
*Mitchell Elliott 92,300
*Jeff Willms 5x,xxx
*Dean Saglio 13,500
*Todd Lalonde 8,000
*Christian Van Meter 100

Jeff Willms' Wild Barrel Hack!!! (board)
*Mitchell Elliott 4-3
*Todd Lalonde 2-1
*Christian Van Meter 1-1

Co-op DK Highscore (one player on button, on on joystick)
* 153,400 Robbie Lakeman and Steve Wiltshire
* 147,000 Mitchell Elliott and Alex Gold

Most double jumps on 1-1
*Vincent Lemay (21?)
*Mitchell Elliott (13)

Most double Jumps in a row (i.e without skipping more than the 1 in-between barrel)
*Vincent Lemay (?)
*Dean Saglio (?)
*Mitchell Elliott (7)
*Allen Staal (4)

Most points on 1-1 with no blue smashes
*Mitchell Elliott (10,500)

Most times jumping a fireball on one board
*Vincent Lemay (15)
*Mitchell Elliott (7)
*Ethan Daniels (5)

Most Fireballs Trapped in Rivet Holes on One Screen
*Robbie Lakeman (5)
*Jeff Wolfe (3)
*Allen Staal (3?)

Most fireballs trapped in one rivet hole
*Fast_eddie (2)
*Ethan Daniels (2)

Most fireballs hammered while falling through a rivet hole
*Tanner Fokkens (3)

Most points on a level 5+ Barrel Screen (using a save state only at the beginning)
*Ross Benziger 18,200
*Vincent Lemay 17,600
*Dean Saglio 16,xxx

Most Top-Shelf Jumps on one Elevator Stage (without dying)
*Dan Desjardins (6 jumps)

Most Wall-Jumps off Top Platform of a Rivet Stage (without dying)
*Allen Staal (55)
*Mitchell Elliott (50)
*Ethan Daniels (43)

Most Consecutive Oil Can Jumps on a Conveyor Stage (without dying)
*Allen Staal (6)

DK 2x speed version (stage reached)
*Ross Benziger 5-1

I know I posted a list like this at TG bitd, so if you see I forgot some, or have more of your own to add, feel free to suggest them here. Like I said, in time, we can eventually start parsing out who has completed which challenges.

*EDIT* Below are some of the challenges and scores listed over at CAGDC from the years past (here: http://www.classicarcadegaming.com/forums/index.php?topic=4157.0). Many of the scores are quite out of date, but I wanted to start compiling them here for the overhaul coming up! I will edit them more to fit my purposes soon.

1-1 4 man challenge
*Mark Kiehl (44,xxx?)
*Dave McCrary (4x,xxx?)
*Ethan Daniels (42,400)
*Jeff Willms (41,600)
*Mitchell Elliott (40,800)
*Ethan Daniels (40,400)       

1-1 4 man challenge no hammer
*Vincent (26,000)

No Hammer start (no deaths)
*John Mckinnell (107,500)
*Scott Cunningham (101,900)
*Jeff Wolfe (101,300)

(note to self: Make sure to snag other player's scores for the above from the linked thread^!!!!)

The "Jeff Willms challenge": Highest no jump highscore ALL lives (considering that 2-2 is the kill screen):
1) Jeff Willms 16,500
2) Joseph Carroll 12,600
3) Andrew: 12,200
4) Dean: 9,100
5) Jeff: 8,800

Highest score on a (on the first platform of any level, you ONLY move to the right, on the second platform of any level, you ONLY move to the left, on the third, you ONLY move to the right, 4rd = only to the left, 5th = only to the right, 6h = only to the left (climbing up or down is okay), and on the elevator, you move ONLY to the right until you reach the last spring platform, and on that last platform, you can ONLY move to the left (I don't know if it's possible to clear a spring levels on Stage 4+ by moving ONLY to the left, but anyway! lol):
1) Dean: 49,700

The "up-down-up" challenge on 1-1 and 5-1:
1) Vincent (1-1), Dean (1-1)

The "touching EVERY invisible walls at the EDGE of EVERY platform (There's 12 on barrel boards (including the invisible wall near DK and the one at the left of the barrel oil), there's 10 on rivets screen (and the two at the top are the hardest ones, 'cause it's easy to die while trying to touch these invisible walls!), there's 8 on conveyer, and there's 8 on elevator (I count the one that you can do when you are on the first moving platform by jumping to the left, but I DON'T count the invisible wall near Donkey Kong and where the spring comes from (it looks to hardcore, and maybe not really possible on Stage 4+ spring levels).
1) Dean: 4-1

Farthest on a "perfect low score" (800 points per stage):

One challenge a friend of mine came up with was to get 0 points on level 1-1.  I ended up pulling off and going to the rivet stage clearing all the rivets without using hammers or getting prizes leaving me with the lowest possible level 1 score of 800 points.

I'll edit that one in. Eventually, for the challenges that people can simply get with enough practice, it would be cool to rank them still by either time/score/#of hammers used/etc. So, for this one, it would have to be by the time that you reached the top ladder or something (if people provide that info).

thanks to all my mates..

I invented one last night - the "No-Ladder Challenge". Max points in one life without ever leaving the bottom girder on 1-1.

I tried it like 3 times so I'm not ready to report a score yet.  ;D


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