Author Topic: Robbie's 1.272  (Read 48627 times)

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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #135 on: June 17, 2021, 10:27:31 am »
Here are direct quote from Robbie Lakeman taken from the earlier provided screenshots, for anyone who either forgot they existed or didn't bother reading them before commenting:

oh i'm fully aware out of the context carefully cropped screenshots jeremy included.  what he left out is how people here told robbie that it wasnt cheating and ok and he should go for it.  Robbie expressed concerns it was cheating, was told its not, went on to try to prove it was (and honestly i think robbie failed to prove it was cheating just like others thought), and was repeatedly told it wasnt and that he should just try to get the wr with it. 

when someone says something is cheating and then is told its fine, and they believe it and then submit, no thats not cheating.

now anyone can say maybe my screesnhots are equally out of context. maybe. so i guess then disregard all screenshots or go look for yourself. but to only accept jeremy's cropped screenshots isnt really fair

i wanna be clear the attached files arent meant to embarass or "gotcha" ken george or robbie, i respect they put the time in to publicly discuss it with robbie, my point is the people grabbing facebook snippets knew dang well what they were leaving out

anyone who believes robbie was cheating should open a twingalaxies dispute. i'm not gonna waste much more time here on the argument, i regret my post already cause now i'm stuck defending it when i dont even know if this comments will be deleted in order to help the narrative against robbie.  Funny how the people with the ability to open a dispute, who also accuse robbie of cheating wont go offsite and do so, its almost like they know the embarassment waiting them if they try these accusations in a forum they cant control

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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #136 on: June 17, 2021, 11:07:26 am »
I gotta agree with Ken on this one.  I always saw Robbie's voltage exploration as an investigation into how other people may have gained an unfair advantage.  All along the way, most other people said things like "that isn't how it works" or "that is so stupid don't bother" or "go for it, it won't do anything".

To say now that Robbie cheated in this official submission is wrong.  To say he attempted to cheat is iffy.  I say he was investigating the possibility of influencing the RNG.  If he didn't show the voltage nobody would be the wiser.

He showed the voltage.  People say it means nothing.  Yet Jeremy will not accept the score because it goes against the spirit of play.

Convenient that the person he beat doesn't even show his face.  Talk about violating the spirit of open competition.

If one person can stop another person's score from being accepted, then that person might as well be called the Chief Referee of the Donkey Kong Forum.  Not much better than the old referees at Twin Galaxies.
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #137 on: June 17, 2021, 01:27:58 pm »
Welcome to the Official DKF Donkey Kong High Score List, peer-reviewed by the DK Community!

Why does the Donkey Kong High Score List, say "peer-reviewed by the DK Community!", because from this thread, it seams that the comments and concerns of fellow DK Community members have no standing whatsoever?
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #138 on: June 17, 2021, 01:32:30 pm »
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #139 on: June 17, 2021, 01:32:51 pm »
Welcome to the Official DKF Donkey Kong High Score List, peer-reviewed by the DK Community!

Why does the Donkey Kong High Score List, say "peer-reviewed by the DK Community!", because from this thread, it seams that the comments and concerns of fellow DK Community members have no standing whatsoever?

I do believe the scores are peer reviewed, but in this case it seems that Jeremy has more weight to his vote than others.
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Offline Kibbey93

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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #140 on: June 17, 2021, 04:16:28 pm »
To say now that Robbie cheated in this official submission is wrong.  To say he attempted to cheat is iffy.  I say he was investigating the possibility of influencing the RNG.  If he didn't show the voltage nobody would be the wiser.

He showed the voltage.  People say it means nothing.  Yet Jeremy will not accept the score because it goes against the spirit of play.

Robbie said he was attempting to cheat. There is evidence of this. There's nothing iffy about it. Whether it was a viable cheating method or he succeeded is irrelevant. Attempting to cheat should be a clear violation of the spirit of fair play.

Convenient that the person he beat doesn't even show his face.  Talk about violating the spirit of open competition.

Also choosing not to show your face or reveal your identity while streaming live or engaging with people online is nothing new, and there are many top players in many games with unknown IRL identities. Someone deciding to live with some degree of privacy in no way violates the spirit of open competition.
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #141 on: June 17, 2021, 05:39:16 pm »
Also choosing not to show your face or reveal your identity while streaming live or engaging with people online is nothing new, and there are many top players in many games with unknown IRL identities. Someone deciding to live with some degree of privacy in no way violates the spirit of open competition.

Sure, some players want to remain anonymous.  Other people want to keep their techniques hidden.  I say that for public recognition you need public display.
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #142 on: June 17, 2021, 05:41:42 pm »
Robbie said he was attempting to cheat. There is evidence of this. There's nothing iffy about it. Whether it was a viable cheating method or he succeeded is irrelevant. Attempting to cheat should be a clear violation of the spirit of fair play.

I must have missed that statement in the footage of his game.  I don't recall him saying "I am now attempting to cheat". 
How many people on this very forum mocked his idea of voltage manipulation?


But now?  Oh well.  Since you got top spot again and you were rude, we are going to ignore  your score because reasons.
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #143 on: June 17, 2021, 08:10:53 pm »
I SUCK at Donkey Kong!  Literally like 60k, don't care.  I joined this group because I found a google link "Pole Position and How to get better" on this forum.

It did make me better. 

But ya'll have lost your mind.  It's an acceptable score. The game happened, the score happened. The player is that good.  If the game plays long enough to get to lvl.22 I'd say the voltage was fine.  (trust me I play Pole and 0.1 voltage is the difference between having a working game and a 450lb. paperweight.  If the game works who gives a shit if it's 5.13 or 4.69.  Nintendo built boards to withstand tolerances.  What is the problem with the score?

If you're worried about attempting things, I attempt to figure out how a WR Pole Position score from 1984 didn't end up in Guinness EVER and didn't end up in print until 1990.  There are many more mysteries in arcade high scores than that of someone you don't like getting a score you want to discredit. The player did it, the player will probably do better, this site looks sus by ignoring the best score ever at the game the freaking forum is named after. 

It's a legit score.  Put in on the Board.
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #144 on: June 17, 2021, 09:02:56 pm »
We decided to experiment with dropping voltages, and once he dropped it, I told him this was the exact RNG John McCurdy gets. Once he dropped it more, we saw the pies glitching, just like in attached video. Once we got just enough voltage at 4.71, the pies came back correctly, and the RNG stayed the same. We both flew up to NH where my machine was, and tested out mine, which was at 4.68, which was odd. Neil brought both the PCB and power supply I was playing on in Florida, so he decided to set that up in my cabinet, and it read 4.74. Somehow the voltage went up without touching anything, but it was really cold where the machine was. We also werent getting the RNG results like we had at his house, where it was 72 degrees. We talked to Blake Reinke about this, and he sent us the video of the NES hot plate hack speedrunners were using to get a better RNG seed more consistently, so we tried putting a space heater on the cab, and dropped it to 4.64, and we got results. Once Neil left, I decided to drop it down to 4.6, and decided not to go any lower than that, and still saw no pie factory glitch, so I decided to put a hair dryer in my cab, and let it run while playing, and then I got these glitches on the pie board, with some of the easiest RNG ever.

First full day grinding out DK on modified hardware to keep the fireballs on the bottom for unlimited grouping. Got over a million well over pace within a handful of tries! One of the easiest rng games I've ever played.

Day two of manipulating hardware for easy rng, I pulled off this sweet attempt that was ahead of pace. Points just fell into my lap.

Nice warmup game on day four of cheating at donkey Kong! Had a very weak 132k start, but since the fireballs kept staying on the bottom for unlimited grouping, I was able to manage to get back on 1.277 pace. All the deaths were my fault too, but when half the game becomes easier by dropping voltage, you can still get deep games consistently...

I finally figured our how to manipulate the pcb to keep the fireballs on the bottom for unlimited grouping all day now. Going deep ahead of pace consistently these days.
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #145 on: June 17, 2021, 09:05:42 pm »
what he left out is how people here told robbie that it wasnt cheating and ok and he should go for it.  Robbie expressed concerns it was cheating, was told its not, went on to try to prove it was (and honestly i think robbie failed to prove it was cheating just like others thought), and was repeatedly told it wasnt and that he should just try to get the wr with it.

So if I go over to TG, of which I am a site member, and I egg someone on to submit a spliced speedrun, that would make it not-cheating, because technically a site member gave them permission?
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #146 on: June 17, 2021, 10:26:10 pm »


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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #147 on: June 17, 2021, 11:26:45 pm »
Changing voltage within acceptable range so that a boatd play 100% functional with 100%  sound will not be cheating but without sound it is not proven,  the execution of the rom code was consisyent during the whole game.

I had two mspacman pcb and one pacman pcb, each one did play on different voltage, one at 4.7, another 5.0, another5.15 to prevent the boatd notgettig eough amphere to not reset. BUT THE SOUND IS 100%, with no other equipment like a hairdruyer or some form of heat manupulator, bare pcb, that is acceptable

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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #148 on: June 18, 2021, 08:11:56 am »

So if I go over to TG, of which I am a site member, and I egg someone on to submit a spliced speedrun, that would make it not-cheating, because technically a site member gave them permission?

Site members do not have the capacity to grant permission.  TG members can vote on submissions.  Each submission stands on its own merits.  Members can vote their conscience.  There is no ringleader, no chief referee.  There are rules for each track and a few site-wide rules which are all documented.

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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #149 on: June 18, 2021, 08:15:51 am »
I finally figured our how to manipulate the pcb to keep the fireballs on the bottom for unlimited grouping all day now. Going deep ahead of pace consistently these days.

"No Robbie, that is impossible.  You are delusional.  It makes no difference."

"That isn't how RNG works.  That isn't how any of this works."

"Wait a minute, if this is true, do we ALL have to show voltage and internal temperatures?"

"Environmental conditions may have an affect on 40 year old hardware??  That's crazy talk!"

It goes on and on and on.  Twin Galaxies has accepted Robbie as the world record holder, so has Guinness (different score, but they are behind the times).  2/3 is good enough for me.
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