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Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes Discussion


Thread for Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes strategy and tips.

Chosen by: Virginiawillbehad

ROMset: mvsc (requires sound ROM qsound for WolfMAME 175) (Play on RU) [Not available in WolfMAME 106]
MODE SELECT and SPEED SELECT are Player’s Choice
Internal Defaults
Difficulty: Normal
Damage Level: Normal
Timer Speed: Normal

After poking around it seems the best way for points is to learn Gambits infinite combo. Combos are worth a metric crap ton of points. Also Colossus is perfect as the supporting character for this move as he sets it up.

Its just kinect card and then lp+lk over and over and over and over. You can get a 99 combo this way with all except the heavy characters (Like Zangief works but powered up Dark Zangief it wont).


I have the pcb but have never seen or played the game. I did play xmen vs SF on PSone a few times. And if its anything like it then you wont need to learn infinite combos.  Just fill up the meter by jumping in the air and punching or kicking at nothing and unleash the super for 30+ hits/repeat.

Guess i will find out later tonight.  I should have time after i go check out the new Walking Dead thing at Universal studios.

I'll keep ya posted if that works or not.

Ok, so not a top notch score but i got 1.1m on my 4th game ever. I didn't really focus on hitting the opponents or blocking 99% of the time. I just filled the meter and did the special with Gambit or Ryu. Regular quarter circle forward and 2 punch buttons i believe.  This should help get up a little in ranks for the team. Just spam away!



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