Author Topic: Crazy Donkey Kong In The Dark - a new DK/CK contest!!!  (Read 60653 times)

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Offline tessler1134

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Crazy Donkey Kong In The Dark - a new DK/CK contest!!!
« on: March 05, 2015, 03:14:24 am »
Crazy Donkey Kong In The Dark

Welcome to a brand new Donkey Kong tournament !!!!

Hello everyone! This is a brand new type of Donkey Kong tournament that I (Eric Tessler) would like to run on my own. I have been tossing around some ideas and I came up with a new DK
contest that I would like to try out. I hope everyone enjoys it and has a lot of fun. So, here we go!

This contest will be 4 weeks in duration, consisting of 4 different events, 1 event per week (7 days for each event). This should give everyone enough time to play and submit scores for each event. Each weekly event will be announced just prior to the start of the event (so players will not know what is coming next until right before the event starts). Each event will consist of a certain play style for Donkey Kong (or Crazy Kong). During the weekly event, a player may submit multiple scores, however I will only verify one of their submissions (the highest score or the one selected by the player) and will announce the final standings several days after the event has completed. I will track standings during the event, but it will consist of unverified scores (until all score submissions are verified). In addition to standings for each event, there will be standings for the entire contest as a whole, so it is important for each player to submit at least one score for each of the 4 events.

Points will be awarded to each player who submits a score and becomes ranked in an event, based on the place that they finish within each event. Earned points will determine where a player is ranked in the overall standings (taking all events into account). Points are awarded as follows:
- 1st: 25 points
- 2nd: 20 points
- 3rd: 15 points
- 4th: 14 points
- 5th: 13 points
- 6th-7th: 12 points
- 8th-9th: 11 points
- 10th-14th: 10 points
- 15th-19th: 9 points
- 20th-24th: 7 points
- 25th-29th: 5 points
- 30th-39th: 3 points
- 40th-49th: 2 points
- 50th+: 1 point

There will be money prizes and various bounties, perhaps for each event and/or for the final contest standings. However, these will be announced *after* the completed events and at the end of the contest so each participant will be kept in the dark about potential prizes :) Players might be paid out in various brackets, but this will be announced at the end of the event/contest. If anyone would like to chip in for bounties, you can notify me after the event is announced.

Since this is a 4 week contest, and I will need to review the entire recording of every player's score submission, there is going to be a very strict score submission process that must be adhered to by each player. Please review and familiarize yourself with the full set of rules below.

Good luck to everyone!!!!

Contest Details
Start Time: March 30, 2015 12:00 AM Pacific Time (Monday)
End Time: April 26, 2015 11:59 PM Pacific time (Sunday)
Entry Fee: FREE!

Event Details
Event #1: March 30, 2015 12:00 AM Pacific to April 5, 2015 11:59 PM Pacific
   - Description: We will start this off in familiar territory: No hammer event. You cannot touch a single hammer during your entire game play. If you do grab a hammer, your game will end right away w/o regards to how many men you have left (and your score will be whatever you had when you grabbed the hammer). Good luck!!!
Event #2: April 6, 2015 12:00 AM Pacific to April 12, 2015 11:59 PM Pacific
   - Description: Pauline wants to be saved ASAP! Every board should be beat as quickly as possible: no hammers and you cannot touch her umbrella, hat or purse (yes she likes making things hard on you!). If you accidentally grab a hammer or pick up an umbrella, hat or purse, your game will end right away w/o regards to how many men you have left.  Look at the bounties below as well. Good luck!!!
Event #3: April 13, 2015 12:00 AM Pacific to April 19, 2015 11:59 PM Pacific
   - Description: Crazy Kong time!!! This variation is no hammer and you must collect all of the prizes on all boards (purse, hat and umbrella). Be sure to read the rules about which Crazy Kong version to use (Falcon).
Event #4: April 20, 2015 12:00 AM Pacific to April 26, 2015 11:59 PM Pacific
   - Description: Back to Donkey Kong! Here are the rules:
      - General rules:
         - No hammer allowed on any board unless specified otherwise
         - You must get all the prizes on all the boards (however you may skip the purse on the springs)
         - You may use 6 jump mans (special thanks to Ethan Daniels for this idea!)
      - Board by board rules:
         - Barrels: no hammer allowed
         - Pies: no hammer allowed, you cannot jump across the gaps and you must get all prizes
         - Springs: no hammer allowed (!), you must get the umbrella and hat, purse is optional, and in order to get through the right part of the screen you have to do one of the following:
            1. Take the long stairs to the top starting at the bottom of the screen after the second elevator
            2. Jump to the highest girder using the second elevator (the middle girder that most people use is not allowed)
         - Rivets: You must get all of the rivets on the right side first (in any order) and then the left side (in any order), you may use only one hammer of your choice (or no hammer), and you must get all of the prizes
      - Good luck!
* Note: Events will be announced on this page, so please make sure you check this page just prior to the start of each event.
* Note: This schedule assumes a new day starts at 12 AM in the morning pacific time


*Event #1 Top 3 Winners*
- 1st: Jeff Wolfe​: 768,800: $30
- 2nd: Adam Mon: 632,000: $20
- 3rd: Robbie Lakeman: 600,000: $10

*Event #1 Mystery Bounty Winners (random selection)*
- 1: 4th place: Jon Mckinnell: $10
- 2: 20th place: Martin Laing​: $10

*Event #2 Top 3 Winners*
- 1st: Jon Mckinnell: 441,800: $50
- 2nd: Timothy Sczerby: 426,300: $40
- 3rd: Daniel Desjardins: 379,100: $30

*Event #2 Bounty Winners*
- Fastest rivet board completion with 5300 left on the bonus: Robbie Lakeman: $25
- Mystery bounty #1 (random): 6th place: Adam Mon: $15
- Mystery bounty #2 (random): 15th place: Johnny Bonde: $15
- Mystery bounty #3 (random): 10th place: Ethan Daniels​: $15

*Event #3 Top 3 Winners*
- 1st: Adam Mon: 478,800: $80
- 2nd: Timothy Sczerby: 455,900: $60
- 3rd: Jeff Wolfe: 440,700: $40

*Event #3 Bounty Winners*
- Fastest rivet board completion with 4200 left on the bonus: Jason Brittain: $25
- level 5+ rivet board jumping 2 fireballs (first submission): Andrew Barrow: $25
- Most boards completed in a row on their last life: Jeff Wolfe: 10-4 to 17-4: $25
- Mystery bounty #1 (random): 7th place: Robbie Lakeman: $25
- Mystery bounty #2 (random): 10th place: Scott Cunningham: $25
- Mystery bounty #3 (random): 13th place: ​Daniel Larsen: $25

*Event #4 Top 3 Winners*
- 1st: Robbie Lakeman: 530,300: $100
- 2nd: Timothy Sczerby: 479,300: $70
- 3rd: Jeff Wolfe: 428,900: $50

*Event #4 Bounty Winners*
- Fastest level 5+ pie board completion with 6000 left on the bonus: Robbie Lakeman: $25
- Fastest level 5+ spring board completion with 6400 left on the bonus: Andrew Barrow: $25
- Fastest level 5+ rivet board completion with 4400 left on the bonus: Jason Brittain: $25
- Level 5+ pie board to jump the center fire 4 times: Adam Mon: $25
- Most boards completed in a row with 27: Jon Mckinnell: $25
- Mystery bounty #1 (random): 6th place: Ethan Daniels: $25
- Mystery bounty #2 (random): 9th place: Daniel Desjardins: $25
- Mystery bounty #3 (random): 12th place: ​Jeremy Young: $25
- Mystery bounty #4 (random): 13th place: ​Brian Allen: $25

*Top 5 Overall Contest Winners*
- 1st: Adam Mon: 70 points: $300
- 2nd: Jeff Wolfe: 68 points: $200
- 3rd: Robbie Lakeman: 66 points: $100
- 4th: Jon Mckinnell: 65 points: $50
- 5th: Timothy Sczerby: 60 points: $25

*Contest Mystery bounty winners by random selection (of the players who participated in all 4 events)*
- Jason Corey Brittain: $50
- Ethan Daniels: $50
- Martin Laing: $50

*Contest Payouts*
- Adam Mon: $440
- Jeff Wolfe: $345
- Robbie Lakeman: $285
- Timothy Sczerby: $195
- Jon Mckinnell: $135
- Jason Corey Brittain: $100
- Ethan Daniels: $90
- Martin Laing: $60
- Daniel Desjardins: $55
- Andrew Barrow: $50
- Scott Cunningham: $25
- Jeremy Young: $25
- Brian Allen: $25
- Daniel Larsen: $25
- Johnny Bonde: $15
Note: To collect your winnings, please contact me via pm or on facebook with your paypal info.

- Event #1: $50 to the first player to get a no hammer kill screen (thanks to Jeff Wolfe!!!)
- Event #2
   - $150 to the first player to get a kill screen
   - $25 to the player to complete a rivet board in the fastest amount of time (a rivet board from level 5 or beyond, the first 4 rivet boards do not count). This bounty is for the completion of the rivet board itself by picking up all 8 rivets. When submitting you only need to mention which rivet board you are submitting for (level 6 for example) and a link to the stream which contains the mentioned rivet level (if the stream contains multiple games, please give me an approximate time where the rivet board occurs). The rivet board must be in a game that conforms to the event rules.
- Event #3
   - $150 to the first player to get a kill screen
   - $25 to beat a level 5+ rivet board in the fastest amount of time
   - $25 to the first player to beat a level 5+ rivet board where they jumped over 2 or more fireballs (you must completely jump over the fireballs and jumping over a fireball while picking up the last rivet does not count)
   - $25 to the player who completes the most boards in a row on their last life (a minimum of 8 boards)
- Event #4
   - $250 to the first player to get a kill screen
   - $25 to beat a level 5+ pie board in the fastest amount of time (in case of a tie, the prize will be awarded to the first submission)
   - $25 to beat a level 5+ spring board in the fastest amount of time (in case of a tie, the prize will be awarded to the first submission)
   - $25 to beat a level 5+ rivet board in the fastest amount of time (in case of a tie, the prize will be awarded to the first submission)
   - $25 to the first player on a level 5+ pie board to jump the center fire 4 times
   - $25 to the first player who reaches 250,000 points on their first life
   - $25 to the player who completes the most boards in a row on any life (a minimum of 8 boards)

The current rankings for the events will be posted in a shared google document located at

IMPORTANT: The rules for the contest are detailed below. Please read through all of the rules carefully. Due to the anticipated large number of score submissions, I reserve the right to immediately reject any score submission if these rules are not followed as outlined below. ***NO EXCEPTIONS***

Banned Players
- Rudy Ferretti
- Elizabeth Leffler
- John Hunter
Note: The above mentioned people will not be allowed to register for the contests or submit scores.
Reminder: I reserve the right to ban any player for any reason (player harassment, cheating, misconduct of any kind, excessive complaining, etc).

- Any contestant may register for this contest, it is open to any person on this planet that plays Donkey Kong/Crazy Kong no matter what your skill level may be!!!
- All registrations must be received prior to the start time of the competition.
- In order to register, simply click on the following link and submit your information:

Stream Setup
- All contestants are required to stream their games on or hitbox. (NO EXCEPTIONS FOR ANY REASON).
- Contestants are solely responsible for setting up their stream.  I will not be involved, responsible or accountable in contestant’s stream setup.
- Contestants may enlist the help of anyone to setup their stream.
- Contestant’s stream quality must be sharp enough to read the level and score at a glance (as well as the rest of the game play).  If there is ANY question of score and level due to bad quality stream, that submission will be rejected, instantly, with no exceptions. I strongly suggest that you test your streams and check them from time to time to make sure they are working correctly.
- Streams which are partial, glitchy, edited or manipulated in any way will be rejected.
- Streams must have sound enabled. I must be able to hear the contestant's voice and the DK/CK sounds. In cases where the sound is muted by the streaming software, I still need to be able to hear the player's name at the beginning of the stream (so please make sure your recorded stream has at least your name).
- Streams must be available for review on the contestants registered channel.  If for ANY reason the stream is not available for review, the submission will be rejected.  NO EXCEPTIONS.

Score Submission How-Tos and General Info
- In order to submit a score, simply click on the following link:
- Contestant is solely responsible for submitting their own scores.
- DK/CK arcade or DK/CK MAME (DK: US set 1/CK: Falcon Crazy Kong Part II, Crazy Climber hardware) can both be used for score submissions (must use TG settings of 3 lives and a bonus life at 7000 points).
  - CK: Contestant must show the title screen where it says "Part II" and "FALCON 1981"
  - CK: The jump off the ledge trick on the barrel boards to beat the board cannot be used
  - CK: The bottom hammer trick on the pie factories to get more points cannot be used
- At the start of EACH new stream, contestant must state their full name (you do not have to state your name before every single game).
- The entire game must be played only by the registered contestant who is identified at the beginning of the game (if I suspect someone is cheating, I reserve the right to reject the submission for any reason I see fit).
- A contestant can only be paid for a maximum of 1 bounty for any one event.
- If any player is at my house on the day of the event/contest, they may use my DK/CK arcade machine for the tournament and I will act as a referee (as such, they do not need to submit their score via email, but the game will still be broadcasted on for everyone to see).
- I will be validating all scores and reserve the right to reject any score for any reason.
- Games started before the official event/contest start time (no matter how close to the official event/contest start time) will not be eligible (games must be started on or after the official start time).
- Games started after the official event/contest end time (no matter how close to the official event/contest end time) will not be eligible (games must be started prior to the official end time).
- Last game can be started any time before the official event/contest end time (no matter how close to the official event/contest end time).
- Scores can be submitted up until 4 hours past the official event end time.
- NOTE: Any player who wants their scores to be included on the Donkey Kong High Score List will need to submit their performance to the Score Submissions thread and make sure they follow the List Submission Rules.

Score Submission Rules ***IMPORTANT***
- For each particular event, only a score for the assigned play style may be submitted.
- Players must take full responsibility for making sure their score submissions are correct and follow the correct play style as assigned for the event, as well as for following all the rules laid out in this post.
- I will only review a maximum of a single score submission for each player for each event. It is up to the player to specify which score submission I should review (in the case of multiple score submissions). If the player does not specify which submission they would like reviewed, I will review the submission with the highest score at the end of the event.
- A game will be considered terminated at the point where the player stops following the play style rules (without regards to how many lives they have left). The score of the submission will be at the time that the play style was violated.
  - example: if the play style is no hammer is allowed, the game ends once the player grabs a hammer on any board (no matter how many lives they have left).
- If during the play of a particular game a player stops following the assigned play style, they may submit the score as long as they correctly specify exactly where the game ends due to the play style violation.
- If a score is submitted that does not fully follow the event's play style and the player does not specify the correct location for the end of the game, the player will receive a score of zero for the entire event and will not be allowed to submit any more scores for the event.
- If I cannot verify the full game footage to validate that the correct play style was followed for the entire game play, the submission will be rejected with no exceptions (and the player will receive a score of zero for the current event and may not submit any more scores for that specific event). As such, it is strongly recommended that players keep either the Mame recording handy or use a video recorder as a back up.
- No score submission will be accepted on the basis of witnesses, photos, etc. All submissions must have the 100% complete game footage.
- Since I will be reviewing the scores after the event has completed, please make sure your streams are properly archived so they can be reviewed (for at least 10 days).
- You cannot use save/load states, continues or any other types of cheats/tricks.
- If anyone has any questions or clarifications, please ask!!!

Prize Payouts
- Prize money will be issued in the exact amount stated, ONLY to the registered contestant.
- Prize money will be sent via PayPal or sent via U.S. post in the form of a registered money order, or check ONLY to the registered contestant.
- If the contestant rejects the prize acceptance guidelines, listed above, or chooses not to accept the prize, that prize will be dropped.

- Kill screen: In order to qualify for a kill screen on 22-1, we must be able to see the jump man death that is caused by the kill screen itself (dying any other way will not count).
Closing Remarks
- Please remember, at the end of the day, this is for fun and to keep the community together.  Anyone who does not follow the rules, cheats, etc, will be removed from the contest, and possibly banned from all future contests.
- I reserve the right to change these guidelines at any time.
- Good luck to all contestants!!!
« Last Edit: April 29, 2015, 06:10:54 pm by tessler1134 »
Eric Tessler

DK personal best arcade: 966,000 (kill screen, 133 minutes)
DK arcade, KO 2: 900,500 (kill screen, 113 minutes)
DK arcade no hammer: 369,000
Crazy Kong arcade kill screen: 562,000
DK 3 arcade: hard: 1,111,600; easy: 1,640,000
Member for 11 Years IGBY 2016 DKF Team Member DK Killscreener


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Re: Crazy Donkey Kong In The Dark - a new DK/CK contest!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2015, 05:22:59 am »
Thanks Eric  :)


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Re: Crazy Donkey Kong In The Dark - a new DK/CK contest!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2015, 10:50:26 am »
Lovit  Kreygasm

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Re: Crazy Donkey Kong In The Dark - a new DK/CK contest!!!
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2015, 07:26:15 am »
Donkey Kong, Crazy Kong, Donkey Kong Junior, Donkey Kong 3?

Offline homerwannabee

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Re: Crazy Donkey Kong In The Dark - a new DK/CK contest!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2015, 08:24:53 am »
Donkey Kong, Crazy Kong, Donkey Kong Junior, Donkey Kong 3?
One day someone will have an all Kong Off, but this isn't it.
"Perception forged in delusion and refined by pain"

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Re: Crazy Donkey Kong In The Dark - a new DK/CK contest!!!
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2015, 10:33:00 pm »
we're in the yellow pages under 'spatulas'
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Re: Crazy Donkey Kong In The Dark - a new DK/CK contest!!!
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2015, 07:19:54 pm »
Wow!!!  <Pigger> <Allen> Kreygasm <Tim> Can't wait for what events will be in this!
My stream is currently (
Donkey Kong: 1,116,400 (KS)
Donkey kong Hard roms(prev. world record): 914,200
Crazy Kong: 513,700 (KS)
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Offline tessler1134

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Re: Crazy Donkey Kong In The Dark - a new DK/CK contest!!!
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2015, 11:33:52 pm »
Thanks...I have some ideas and I hope it will be fun for all  ;D ;D ;D
Eric Tessler

DK personal best arcade: 966,000 (kill screen, 133 minutes)
DK arcade, KO 2: 900,500 (kill screen, 113 minutes)
DK arcade no hammer: 369,000
Crazy Kong arcade kill screen: 562,000
DK 3 arcade: hard: 1,111,600; easy: 1,640,000
Member for 11 Years IGBY 2016 DKF Team Member DK Killscreener

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Re: Crazy Donkey Kong In The Dark - a new DK/CK contest!!!
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2015, 11:06:59 am »
 8) 8)
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Re: Crazy Donkey Kong In The Dark - a new DK/CK contest!!!
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2015, 02:22:37 pm »
Done  <Allen>
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Re: Crazy Donkey Kong In The Dark - a new DK/CK contest!!!
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2015, 01:26:13 pm »
What better way for me to commit myself to learning DK?
DK Jr. - 818,900 (KS)
DK Jr. best first life - 714,700 (19-4)
APB - 215,074
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Offline tessler1134

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Re: Crazy Donkey Kong In The Dark - a new DK/CK contest!!!
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2015, 03:08:13 pm »
~3 more days to sign up for the contest....46 registered players so far!!! Late registrations will not be accepted so sign up now!

A reminder that the contest starts 12 am pacific time, Monday March 30, 2015.

Good luck everyone!!!
Eric Tessler

DK personal best arcade: 966,000 (kill screen, 133 minutes)
DK arcade, KO 2: 900,500 (kill screen, 113 minutes)
DK arcade no hammer: 369,000
Crazy Kong arcade kill screen: 562,000
DK 3 arcade: hard: 1,111,600; easy: 1,640,000
Member for 11 Years IGBY 2016 DKF Team Member DK Killscreener

Offline tessler1134

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Re: Crazy Donkey Kong In The Dark - a new DK/CK contest!!!
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2015, 05:17:41 am »
Crazy Donkey Kong In The Dark Event #1

When: March 30, 2015 12:00 AM Pacific to April 5, 2015 11:59 PM Pacific

Description: We will start this off in familiar territory: No hammer event. You cannot touch a single hammer during your entire game play. If you do grab a hammer, your game will end right away w/o regards to how many men you have left (and your score will be whatever you had when you grabbed the hammer).

Good luck!!!

Eric Tessler

DK personal best arcade: 966,000 (kill screen, 133 minutes)
DK arcade, KO 2: 900,500 (kill screen, 113 minutes)
DK arcade no hammer: 369,000
Crazy Kong arcade kill screen: 562,000
DK 3 arcade: hard: 1,111,600; easy: 1,640,000
Member for 11 Years IGBY 2016 DKF Team Member DK Killscreener

Offline ebinsugewa

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Re: Crazy Donkey Kong In The Dark - a new DK/CK contest!!!
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2015, 03:32:25 pm »
I almost forgot to register  BibleThump
we're in the yellow pages under 'spatulas'
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Re: Crazy Donkey Kong In The Dark - a new DK/CK contest!!!
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2015, 01:02:43 am »
Important reminder: As stated in the rules, I will not be reviewing anyone's submitted scores until the event has ended. As such, please make sure your streaming channel is properly configured to save streams so they can be reviewed by myself early next week. I recommend saving the inp files as well just in case there are issues with your stream. It is the responsibility of the player to make sure that their streamed games are accessible by myself for review within the next week. Thanks!

Eric Tessler

DK personal best arcade: 966,000 (kill screen, 133 minutes)
DK arcade, KO 2: 900,500 (kill screen, 113 minutes)
DK arcade no hammer: 369,000
Crazy Kong arcade kill screen: 562,000
DK 3 arcade: hard: 1,111,600; easy: 1,640,000
Member for 11 Years IGBY 2016 DKF Team Member DK Killscreener