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Your first introduction to the 1981 Donkey Kong arcade game?

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(first meeting with a 1981 Donkey Kong arcade game (or an arcade game cabinet in this case): inside a dental facility waiting room)

In a small apartment laundromat in DeKalb.

Never played it as a kid of 9 in 1981, unlike my handle. I'm a more mid 80s aracde kid (13'ish) started playing DK after watching Tecchio on Twitch a few years ago.

Maybe 1983ish at a mall arcade. I rarely went to malls BITD. But Crazy Kong was all over my hood for years before I saw DK anywhere. Fkn hack of CK! CK is the OG. Fk DK!  <thefinger>


Around 82-83 we used to go to this Chuck-E-Cheese on whatever day gave you unlimited free play for a couple hours. And there was a game in a cab that said Donkey Kong on it, but as an adult I'm 99% sure it was actually a Crazy Kong board. I distinctly remember the blue and yellow fireballs and how they were different from my Colecovision version.


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