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Your first introduction to the 1981 Donkey Kong arcade game?

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Love these stories.  Some have been playing DK since the early 1980s while others discovered it much later.  Shigeru Miyamoto's groundbreaking game has truly spanned generations and survived countless gaming trends.

first time playing a DK cab was in 89 at a small goodwill in enterprise alabama. never made it past the first level on the first day but that game, its colors, the sounds...was love at first site and stuck forever

Hills Department Store. I was seven years old.  I used to watch the older kids and teenagers play.  But I couldn't make it off of 1-1.

I believe I'd played a few times before, but the first time I really remember playing was at a grocery store named Bob's Super Store in Kearney, NE.

I was waiting for my sister to get off work and they had a Donkey Kong machine in the front of the store.  A couple of kids were playing who were getting scores of 30k to 50k.  They showed me how to get past the elevator screen and I saw the cement factory for the first time. 

They called jumping from the second elevator to bypass the lower right part of the elevator screen "murfing" and it has stuck with me ever since.  Jumping to the upper platform was "super murfing".

Good times.

I grew up in a small german town which's only attraction at that time was an indoor swimming pool. Attached to this was a cafeteria where us kids had a Coke or chips after swimming. At one point (I must have been around 10 years old, so ca. 1985) they put an arcade cabinet in that cafeteria - which happened to be one of those white licensed DK cabs built in Germany at that time. While the other kids spent their money on sweets I instantly fell in love with that game and played it as much as possible. That love holds on to this day and I still can't believe that I now own my very own blue Nintendo DK cab since last year :)


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