Donkey Kong Strategy > Advanced Donkey Kong Strategy
first post * kinduva doozy * seeking brief but in-depth-ful response :)
Hello DKF!
What an amazing forum. Really. This is a job well done and it's humbling and fascinating to see the research being done to advance the DK high score. I've been very recently roped back in by news regarding a certain <Billy> and merely reading up is tempting me to jump back into the game...
I have one large question that would be more easily answered here than anywhere else, in a new thread. I am sorry if this thread is a bit self-centered. I haven't really been lurking for that long, as i think the nature of my question reveals, but I would appreciate an honest answer to a filtering query I am harboring as I read.
In short: are these "composite" posts I am finding indicative of stand up play? Is it all MAME? Or, is it all MAME but also applicable to stand up (perhaps for reasons that have been uncovered about the code "since we last spoke")? I am wondering how to regard the info I am seeing on hit boxes, spring theory, fireball taxonomy, wild barrel behavior, 300/500/800 frequencies for blue barrels, etc, et. al.
These places are not always known for being friendly. I'll be frank, it doesn't bother me much. But they can sometimes be quite friendly. So I guess I am asking if there are any experienced players willing to give me short answers to this post. Is any or all of what I will come across with screenshots, etc. cross-applicable to playing on a true cab?
Who am I? Nobody, to be honest. In the past, I exchanged emails and discussions with a few of the top players and theorists whose work is still respected (saglio, benzinger, and a few other MAMEstars, basically) and I have studied the game. I don't really think I've played enough games to iron out the variance and know my top score, or even my top score range. My old scores wouldn't warrant much respect now, they barely warranted it then! But I very much appreciate the studying and disclosure of this info and even if I hafta figure everything out myself like it seemed we were doing a mere 10 years ago, I remain amazed at how the high score arc has progressed in the time period since i stopped playing seriously.
... realllyyyyy tempting. so if you know the right answers, you might wanna lie a little! ;)
thanks! hopefully I'll post somewhat often and/or start playing again!
Welcome, bonzo. I don't think we ever met, but I'm friends with Shayne, he used to tell me about your scores.
Welcome to the forum Bonzo sir :)
If I've interpreted your question right, any information/tips provided is most definitely cross applicable between MAME and arcade. A player who can get 1.2m on MAME can use the exact same game ideology to get 1.2m on Arcade with the only major difference is controller variance, although that's much easier developed than underlying game strategy.
Everyone here is super friendly, so ask away and someone'll should likely answer in time.
Good luck with your scores mate.
--- Quote from: marky_d on February 05, 2018, 09:13:27 pm ---Welcome, bonzo. I don't think we ever met, but I'm friends with Shayne, he used to tell me about your scores.
--- End quote ---
Thanks for the shout out!
It's true, I share a DK sensei with this guy. His name is Shayne Black. Excited to read up and put in some stick time..
Hello Kibby. Nice to meet you.
I am intending to ask if some of these extreme detail concepts, such as frame rate and whatnot, stuff I frankly would never do (I have MAME on an old laptop), are actually being integrated into stand up PCB DK play. There is some fantastic research on this site, I am essentially wondering iff the current WR contenders believe the MAME/machine match up is close enough to take for granted. In short: is this the level of play required to put up scores? Must one be a coder? Is the day of the surprisingly educated and fast gunslinger a thing of the past?
Games are fun and a good one is fun to learn inside out. But how much of the research on this website is done for love of the game instead of in pursuit of a true scoring approach?
I think I listed some of the threads I found most interesting while just kind of scanning the website. I learned about this website recently. Looks like classic gaming dot com or whatever (some acronym CAG or smth) also has some quality strat talk but I haven't really looked there yet.
I can figure out the answers I think but I'm curious if the lakemans, Copelands, and chiens of the world assume they can cross this research over, if the similarities were so strong the MAME nerds I mentioned felt they could keep going with a stand up score in mind, etc. maybe my post is more a matter of opinion. I'm not asking these top guns to just check box the best threads for me, I'm just curious what arcade players think about all this mame research :)
A clarification for you kibby but also perhaps good for the thread, should it become a thread.
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