Author Topic: Modifying the default behavior of deleted posts  (Read 12084 times)

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Offline stella_blue

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Modifying the default behavior of deleted posts
« on: May 14, 2014, 02:27:24 am »

I'd like to propose a change in the way deleted posts are handled.  Instead of physically removing the post (as if it never existed), perhaps the body of the message could be replaced with "Post deleted by <username> on mm/dd/yyyy at hh:mm:ss", or something similar.  A thread can be difficult to follow if a reply addresses a prior post that has since vanished.  A placeholder of sorts would not eliminate the confusion, but might partially explain why a subsequent comment seems out of place.

Also, it appears that if a forum member initiates a new topic and later deletes the original post, the entire thread disappears with it.  That's unfortunate, as it gives an individual the power to censor the thoughts expressed by others.  Imagine if the TG "Million Point March" thread had begun as a simple request from a novice player, looking for tips on how to improve their DK high score.  If that player (for whatever reason) later deleted the original post, dissolving the entire discussion with the domino effect of their action, an historic online resource would have been lost.

Is there an admin setting to control this functionality?

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Re: Modifying the default behavior of deleted posts
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2014, 12:46:46 pm »
All members have the ability to delete or lock a topic they start. That's just the default settings of the forum software and I've never had a reason to change it.

I have set up a "Recycle Bin" in the moderator area that all deleted topics will now go into.

As far as single posts, I don't see a way to leave a placemark for a deleted post. The only way to do this would be to remove members ability to delete them.

I really haven't seen this as a big problem but I'm open to suggestions.
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Re: Modifying the default behavior of deleted posts
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2014, 04:12:50 pm »
All members have the ability to delete or lock a topic they start. That's just the default settings of the forum software and I've never had a reason to change it.
Thank you for looking into it, Jeff.

I have set up a "Recycle Bin" in the moderator area that all deleted topics will now go into.
Outstanding!  I'll create a new "test" topic, wait 3-4 days to allow for a number of meaningless replies, then delete it.  We'll see what happens, and what further options are available (restore, delete permanently, etc.).

Taking the new feature for a test drive and kicking the tires, if you will.

As far as single posts, I don't see a way to leave a placemark for a deleted post. The only way to do this would be to remove members ability to delete them.

I really haven't seen this as a big problem but I'm open to suggestions.

Yeah, the freedom to delete an individual post is more important than the occasional loss of continuity within a topic.  I don't see it as a huge problem either.

I got the placeholder idea from a number of deleted  <Mruczek>  posts over at CAGDC, in the following thread:

OK, Dwayne Richard has a video where he reviews Steve Wiebe's DK game.

Looking at that topic again, it appears that the posts weren't actually deleted.  Instead, each post seems to have been manually edited, with the word "Deleted" replacing the original text.

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Re: Modifying the default behavior of deleted posts
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2014, 05:27:21 pm »
I recommend a test post in Steve's List Forum.   <Wiebe>
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There was something eating everyone
And the sunshine fund was low
We couldn't greet you with a simple hello
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Offline stella_blue

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Re: Modifying the default behavior of deleted posts
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2014, 06:10:13 am »
I recommend a test post in Steve's List Forum.   <Wiebe>
As you wish.

Recycle Bin Test Topic

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