Just so people know, I am currently very busy with school until about December 17th and after this I will be resting from stressful stuff until after Christmas, after which, I will (hopefully) be doing four, big, DK-related things during the end of December and through January:
1) I will be working on updating the DK Beginner's Manual (hopefully, Jeremy will be free at this time as well so that we can do a big overhaul on both the number of pictures as well as how the pictures and text interact with one another). So, please, keep making suggestions on the manual, as there is a whole month yet for people to give feedback! Thanks!
2) I will be working with my friend, Alex, to put up a site for the manual to be purchased in hard-copy form (hopefully with many customizable options) for when the manual is finally perfected to the DK community's satisfaction.
3) I will also be working with Alex on re-vamping the DK pace site found here:
www.alexwgold.com/dk There are too many ideas we have to explain them all here, but the main things will be creating some sort of interface to set lots of options as well be able to create online profiles to store, share, organize, classify, and comment on data! Lots of work here, so this project might go well beyond the month of January with successive updates as Alex has time.
4) I will be probably putting in two weeks of serious attempts for at least 1.1m. The first few days will probably consist of getting the rust off and getting my stamina back for playing multiple games in a row.