I wondering if anyone has looked into how wild and bomb barrels are handled. For instance, are they possible both possible ever barrel including blues (starting 3rd?) with equal 1/16 for wild and 1/? for bomb?
This could obviously help for general runs if say it was found bombs could only occur every other barrel, but I'm interested for purposes of making a 1-1.
currently the goal is to get the 8th barrel (blue) down to make a fireball ASAP via kong having no pauses, and then the blue being a bomb, but I'm not sure if the code even allows that to happen.
Bombs are made from Stork poop
Any barrel can be a wild barrel (except the 2nd and 3rd at the start of a barrel board?)
Blue barrels are only released every 8th Barrel
In order for a "wild" to be a "bomb":
You need to get a "wild" first (1/16, excluding potential tiredness-WB-frequency-changes discussed on CAGDC (
)). Each barrel has a "counter" that tracks vertical position on the screen (this is used to determine when to roll around the edges, off the screen and where wilds bounce next). There are only so many barrel slots, and they get recycled as barrels leave the screen, however, the "height" value is not cleared.
A barrel needs to be pulled as a "wild" AND its' "height" value needs to be equal to or less than the 6th girder; If both parameters are met, Kong will drop a "wild" and when the game tries to determine which girder it hit last (using the counter), it gets a value for something other than the 6th girder, so the barrel logic says that is the next girder it needs to hit and free-falls to that location, before transitioning to a wild. A full bomb requires a y-counter value that is equal to or less than the 2nd girder.
Bonus: A bomb-wild, transitional barrel, can only occur if the barrels' internal counter is something other than the lowest girder; so you can only get a transitional bomb-wild if you smashed a barrel on a girder above you, or if a wild left the screen above you (basically you need the vertical counter to be somewhere in the middle of the screen). Kong will drop a "bomb" that will fall to one girder lower than the y-counter and then transition to a regular wild barrel.
Below is a good example of the bomb-wild transition. In the replay you can see a wild barrel bounce off of the 4th girder (left side) while I have the hammer, after the hammer runs out, Kong drops a "wild" that is expressed as a bomb, but changes to a wild when it reaches that "next" lowest girder, dependent on the barrel slots' conserved vertical height value (in this case its the 3rd girder).
http://www.twitch.tv/f_symbols/c/5883357Bombs are more common than bomb-wilds (barrels tend to leave on the bottom 2 girders, early in the screen). Both types are more common later in the screen than in the beginning (bombs and transitionals), because y-positional values succumb to entropy.
Also, welcome sir!
1-1 Hype