Robbie's top score isn't recognized here because he announced his attempt to manipulate the game by adjusting the voltage through the power supply. If he hadn't pissed and moaned about the possibility that other players were gaining an advantage, then bragged about his efforts to do the same, I think his score might be recognized.
Regarding Mr. McCurdy, I've never heard any objections or complaints about how he goes about his business. That being said, I've only been part of this community for a few short years now.
As for Mr. Finkel... Justin is just a better cheater

Seriously though, having regularly watched his play for however long I've followed him, I say that he is one of the greatest classic gamers I've ever seen, and he may be THE greatest.
His ability to parse these games into easily digestible pieces and then maximize what can be done with those pieces is incredible. In addition, rather than hide his gameplay and daring others to figure out how he does what he does, he happily explains how he does it in great detail to anyone who is interested in improving their own game.
So, he's a ridiculously talented gamer and a really good human being. I'll gladly use my walker to smack the shit out of anyone who says otherwise.