Author Topic: Please help me get my Crazy Kong Killscreen score accepted. On the arpicade.  (Read 12735 times)

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Please help me get my Crazy Kong Killscreen score accepted. Didn't know a arpicade would be any different than anything other multi- board. Kinda bummed out. I'm really pushing for the rank D in the DK Masters. Would appreciate anyone that can help.
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Offline xelnia

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Please help me get my Crazy Kong Killscreen score accepted. Didn't know a arpicade would be any different than anything other multi- board. Kinda bummed out. I'm really pushing for the rank D in the DK Masters. Would appreciate anyone that can help.

It would be helpful if people could chime in, since I don't know much about this particular hardware. Generally these things have been handled on a case-by-case basis, and usually before a submission  ;).

I've accepted Game Elf boards under the "Multi" platform, which is platform for x-in-1, multi-games, etc. But I need to know how this ARpiCADE works and we need to decide what evidence is necessary if we want to accept them.
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Yeah see I don't know how they work either. I got the card loaded from a former friend on Kong klub. So I just showed everything I could at the end the crazy Kong 2 set one. The 4 way joystick. The 3 man, 7000k extra man and the. Starting of a new game. And the jamma harness. And it one stream. Hopefully I can get her submitted.
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Offline homerwannabee

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Arpicade seems to be Raspberry pi with an adapter to Arcade.  Is Raspberry pi allowed?
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I am no expert (I'll let the wizard chime i  for that) but the Pi is essentially a tiny computer runninh Mame is not?

Is there Crazy King Scores accepted as mame as I think the Pi set up likely falls under that
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I think it would be helpful to drill down into what version of MAME is being run.  I have a pi running retropie/emustation, which includes MAME 2003, which is based on MAME 0.78.

More info here on MAME 2003 here:

I haven't spent a lot of time with it, but playing some titles that I'm pretty well familiar with, I noticed no differences.  I tried DK on it, and it gave me the typical challenge that DK on MAME gives me, which is a slight bit of lag compared to arcade hardware.  And I've spent so much time on DK arcade hardware, that it is difficult for me to overcome the lag on DK on MAME.  So, apples to apples as far as I can tell.

So for whatever all of that is worth, I think if it is confirmed that it is MAME 2003 (read: MAME 0.78), I can confidently say it plays like any other MAME.
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Its just a raspberry pi running mame most likely. We just need to know what version of mame. It would be something you configure on your end.

From the Arpicade site:

Each version of MAME included has it’s strengths and weaknesses, to get the most out of the system a bit of mixing and matching is required.

Mame based:

MAME 0.172: 2nd newest version of MAME included, has the most accurate emulation and can do a few things the others can’t like mirrored cocktail mode & fine adjustments to video output size.
MAME 0.181 Newest version of MAME included, has the most accurate emulation and can do a few things the others can’t like mirrored cocktail mode & fine adjustments to video output size. v0.181 scales differently to all other emulators included.
I recommend using v0.172 over v0.181.

AdvanceMAME: Designed for use with arcade monitors, very configurable – HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for its mix of good speed, options and emulation quality
MAME4all: The fastest version of mame for arm architecture but very old with the most dated emulation, the version on this software is modified to work with the correct scanline output in low res.
*Not recommended for Pi3, the other versions of MAME have much better emulation due to age*


MAME2003 (Retroarch core): Good speed but a little buggy, improving though – good for mk2 and later Midway titles & SEGA System32 games. Also very good at mapping analog controls to a digital joystick
FBA_Next (Retroarch core): Fast but not as accurate/configurable as mame – good for CPS3 & PGM & a few SHMUPS that are buggy in advmame

Daphne: Plays laser disc games like Dragons Lair & Space Ace
Additional assorted console emulators

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Well thanks everyone for your input. I have no computer to check which Mame it is. And have dealt with Mame myself. I asked the guy that made the card for me and he said he believes it's 172 but it's been a while since he made the cards. Not sure if that helps any.
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Ok so I talked to Harry who made the card for me. And it's Mame .172 Hopefully that helps something?
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Overall it seems (sadly) that since it’s mame you need an inp, and I assume you don’t have that.

This might be a case of everyone here knowing that you did it and it forever being unofficial.

That said, please accept his score so he can stop playing this horrible game.
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What is an inp?
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The inp is the recording. :)
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As of right now, I have a major concern with how this device handles romsets. Games can be added/removed by the player and apparently there is no way to detect if modified romsets are being used. I don't suspect Mat of doing something like that of course, but the possibility that it can be done is an absolute dealbreaker for me. So, unless there is a way to 100% confirm the romset being used then this will not be an acceptable platform.
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I completely understand if you Jry. I wish I would have known be before I bought it. I'll figure something out.😀
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