Author Topic: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated  (Read 351861 times)

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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #390 on: April 12, 2018, 04:42:22 am »
Nothing surprising in the final judgement.

I think it was fair for them to say they cannot conclusively say it was MAME since they had not ruled out all other emulation or video editing.

Nothing really left to say now.

Thanks to everyone who contributed in any way to the dispute.
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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #391 on: April 12, 2018, 05:37:56 am »
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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #392 on: April 12, 2018, 06:04:23 am »
These cheaters and scam artists (Todd and Billy) would never have been banned or punished under Walter's watch. I've been in contact with Walter the past few weeks, and he steadfastly refuses to believe Billy cheated. When I hit him up about all the evidence and the confessed staged board swap video, I got a 'pissed off' emoji in response.

So it would seem the best thing that ever happened to TG was Walter selling it to Jace. Because now these scam artists and cheaters are finally getting their just rewards. When I tried to out Todd back in 2002, he was given a free pass to just do as he pleased. That's because Walter was in charge. Not any more.

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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #393 on: April 12, 2018, 06:20:21 am »
Congratulations to Rick Fothergill, who now has the first perfect score on Pac-Man recognized by Twin Galaxies.

Holy shit! They wiped out all his scores?
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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #394 on: April 12, 2018, 08:29:47 am »
Great job to Jeremy and John (and possibly others in the background?) for being the catalysts to more much-needed change.
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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #395 on: April 12, 2018, 09:20:24 am »
Now that this  <Billy>  side-show has been sorted out, can we get to the meat of the issue?

Did Wes and Robbie use performance enhancing, ultra-fake button technology?  Kappa

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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #396 on: April 12, 2018, 04:51:46 pm »
Great job to Jeremy and John (and possibly others in the background?) for being the catalysts to more much-needed change.

Amen to that. It takes guts to raise your voice and point out that the emperor is bollock-naked.

It would be wonderful if anyone was able to capture the risible excuses and misdirection the great man attempts at MGL (after months and months of silence when he could have said something) to explain being turfed out of 'Jace Hall's database'.

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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #397 on: April 12, 2018, 06:20:22 pm »
i guess this means final closure now then!

About 3 hours before the decision was made i learned that billy is left handed! Based on the fact all arcade cabs are left handed then realisticly if billy were to play right handed he would be a 500k point player at best :P

Joking aside id like to say thank you to everyone who put so much time and effort into gathering evidence no matter whos side they were defending! And now the decision is final from both sides (tg / dkf) then i hope those who were suporting billy can open their minds a little and accept the reality!

If you wanna love billy, you can continue to do so, im sure hes a great guy......just dont delude yourself!

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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #398 on: April 12, 2018, 06:30:17 pm »
i guess this means final closure now then!
About 3 hours before the decision was made i learned that billy is left handed! Based on the fact all arcade cabs are left handed then realisticly if billy were to play right handed he would be a 500k point player at best :P

I can assure you definitively that a left-handed player is capable of at least 986K.  Kappa

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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #399 on: April 12, 2018, 08:21:45 pm »
I'm left handed so yeah at least 1,059,xxx :D

i guess this means final closure now then!
About 3 hours before the decision was made i learned that billy is left handed! Based on the fact all arcade cabs are left handed then realisticly if billy were to play right handed he would be a 500k point player at best :P

I can assure you definitively that a left-handed player is capable of at least 986K.  Kappa
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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #400 on: April 13, 2018, 12:53:14 am »
But a joystick with the left hand was totally new when DK hit the shelves.

I am right handed and prefer using my right hand for a joystick. I have no problem with right hand drive manual cars, I'm glad when hiring left hand drive cars on holiday then they are automatic.

Most people I have spoken to won't accept that cabs are set up for left handed play (joystick on left, buttons on right).
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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #401 on: April 16, 2018, 12:50:19 am »

"Speaking to Old School Gamer Magazine at the Midwest Gaming Classic, Mitchell states he is working on bringing forward his own case for why his records should still stand."

“I’ve been asked to address things that are recently in the media. The fact of the matter is, now there’s a true professional due diligence being done to investigate things that happened as far as 35 years ago. In a professional manner, not in a shock-jock mentality designed to create hits. We will show that everything that has been done, everything was done professionally.

According to the rules, according to the scoreboard, the integrity that was set up. Not 2014-forward by the current regime, who wants to reach back 35 years. Everything will be transparent. Everything will be available.

I wish I had it in my hands right now, I wish I could hand it to you. But it’s taken a considerable amount of time. Witnesses, documents, everything will be made available to you. Nothing will be withheld. You absolutely have my commitment to that. We’ve been at this since 1982, and it’s not gonna stop now.”

WOW, just WOW.

"not in a shock-jock mentality designed to create hits" what, like pretending that you didn't have the opportunity to take part in the process and then releasing a statement afterwards to create hits.

This is the complete opposite of professionalism. If he has evidence then he can just present that, he's had plenty of time so there is no reason to wait. I haven't seen him say he needed more time before the decision was made.

Signed affidavit and pinky swears aren't really going to cut it. David Copperfield could get plenty of witnesses to sign to say they saw him make the statue of liberty disappear.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2018, 01:21:42 am by smf »
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Re: Billy Mitchell's Direct Feed Recordings are MAME Generated
« Reply #404 on: May 10, 2018, 11:53:21 pm »
My friends and I produced a podcast episode about all of this, if anyone is interested in listening.
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