Yay finaly a place where people care what i say about DK and the crazy hours ive put in playing. Just want to say hi everybody and ive started playing about a month ago my best score is 398,600 that was at funspot yesterday i had a kid from mass. walk by and asked me if i was Steve Wiebe lol my average score is around the low 300,000 is that respectable?
Welcome to the forum, Roger!
Let's see, you started playing about a month ago. Your personal best is just under 400k, and your average score is more than 300k. Yes, I'd say that's quite respectable!
and is anyone here going to Funspots classic arcade tournament the begining of june? besides Hank 
I've only been to Funspot once, in June of 2010. If I ever make it back there for some DK, please take it easy on me.