High Score Lists > Donkey Kong High Score Lists

DK Score Submissions

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Wow, Hi.

Hard to believe how long it's been since I posted in this thread  BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump

This one came as a shock, is laden with wasted opportunity and yet some how still seems to have won the lottery :D

13900 1-1  Completely unexpected, during trick or treat none the less.  I happened to be standing, rather than sitting, because the doorbell kept ringing and I was tired of moving my chair.

Not only that! But, I literally just upgraded the basement DK camera today (my final Lifecam froze 3 times streaming yesterday); Glorious 1080P 60FPS


  <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> Standing 1-1 NWR LIT   <Allen> <Allen> <Allen>


--- Quote from: f_symbols on October 25, 2024, 05:18:57 pm ---Wow, Hi.

Hard to believe how long it's been since I posted in this thread  BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump

This one came as a shock, is laden with wasted opportunity and yet some how still seems to have won the lottery :D

13900 1-1  Completely unexpected, during trick or treat none the less.  I happened to be standing, rather than sitting, because the doorbell kept ringing and I was tired of moving my chair.

Not only that! But, I literally just upgraded the basement DK camera today (my final Lifecam froze 3 times streaming yesterday); Glorious 1080P 60FPS


--- End quote ---


 Congrats man :) JacePlz Ill take that


--- Quote from: f_symbols on October 25, 2024, 05:18:57 pm ---Wow, Hi.

Hard to believe how long it's been since I posted in this thread  BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump

This one came as a shock, is laden with wasted opportunity and yet some how still seems to have won the lottery :D

13900 1-1  Completely unexpected, during trick or treat none the less.  I happened to be standing, rather than sitting, because the doorbell kept ringing and I was tired of moving my chair.

Not only that! But, I literally just upgraded the basement DK camera today (my final Lifecam froze 3 times streaming yesterday); Glorious 1080P 60FPS


  <Allen> <Allen> <Allen> Standing 1-1 NWR LIT   <Allen> <Allen> <Allen>
--- End quote ---

omg return of the king wow

BibleThump Kreygasm BibleThump  Kreygasm <pacman> <pacman> <pacman> <pacman> <pacman>
One leech away from 14k fttt easy reject  Kappa

Verified and updated on the Level 1-1 HSL, sir. Amazing score.  <HootLove>

DK MAME High Score PB
WolfMAME 0.226
Oct 27, 2024



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