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1982 Strategy LP: Donkey Kong segment
This isn't a video per se, but for those who haven't heard this before it's worth a listen. Obviously, there aren't strong strategies to be found here, but it is funny to hear some of the names the author assigns to the elements of the game. This is taken from the 1982 video game strategy album "Conquer the Video Craze".
"Conquer the Video Craze" (1982) Strategy Guide LP: Donkey Kong
--- Quote from: marky_d on January 27, 2013, 01:53:56 pm ---This isn't a video per se, but for those who haven't heard this before it's worth a listen. Obviously, there aren't strong strategies to be found here, but it is funny to hear some of the names the author assigns to the elements of the game. This is taken from the 1982 video game strategy album "Conquer the Video Craze".
"Conquer the Video Craze" (1982) Strategy Guide LP: Donkey Kong
--- End quote ---
Awesome video! 8)
LOL @ "screen order is random" and advice whose foundation is the ladder cheat.
LOL @ a lot of things actually.
wow mark i learnt so much from that stupid record. lol thanks ..
The thing I hate the most about this game are the I's. I hate the I's. They always get me.
Also I never knew that you have to use the joystick and the jump button to move the opposite way the converers were going on Pie Factory stages. That's gonna make things a little thougher in my future games...
Cool video, thanks for sharing = )
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