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Jumpman makes it to the 3rd girder in attract mode

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I've only seen this happen one other time and I think it was on Dave's stream.

I had just turned on the camera and was waiting for attract mode to cycle through.

Jumpman makes it to the 3rd girder in attract mode.

Yeah! I love it.

I've seen it twice on my machine.

It actually happened just the other day in Allen's stream but Allen coined up just after Jumpman climbed the ladder but before he had a chance to die. Who knows, that could have been "the one" where demo Jumpman made it to the fourth girder!

Incidentally, if you start up MAME 0.106 and let it cycle (no input), it takes until the 35th cycle for Jumpman to make it. (Won't work on a machine - it only works on MAME because the random number generator always starts from an identical seed.)

I guess this is me admitting that one day I did indeed sit there in MAME and "F10" through the cycles until I saw it happen, and wrote down when it happened. I just find this particular thing interesting for some reason.

I wanna know what the probability is! It feels like 1 in 200 or so. The only way to be sure would be to watch about a million attract modes. Volunteers?

In a nutshell, if Jumpman stops at the short ladder when he has the hammer, he'll climb when the hammer expires. I don't think I've ever seen him climb the middle ladder, but it's possible that happens too.


--- Quote from: JCHarrist on February 23, 2013, 02:32:33 pm ---I've only seen this happen one other time and I think it was on Dave's stream.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, I believe that sequence is identical to what we witnessed on Dave's stream a few weeks ago; the bottom hammer expires, Mario immediately climbs the short ladder to the 3rd girder, jumps a couple of barrels, and dies after running into barrel #3.

--- Quote from: ChrisP on February 23, 2013, 04:16:07 pm ---Incidentally, if you start up MAME 0.106 and let it cycle (no input), it takes until the 35th cycle for Jumpman to make it. (Won't work on a machine - it only works on MAME because the random number generator always starts from an identical seed.)

I guess this is me admitting that one day I did indeed sit there in MAME and "F10" through the cycles until I saw it happen, and wrote down when it happened. I just find this particular thing interesting for some reason.

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It's actually refreshing to encounter someone with as much free time on their hands as me.   ;)

The dangerous thing is, I don't actually have that much free time.

I do stuff like that when I'm supposed to be doing other things.

In fact, in the context of my overall life, Donkey Kong is basically a vast and elaborate procrastination scheme.


--- Quote from: ChrisP on February 23, 2013, 05:33:36 pm ---The dangerous thing is, I don't actually have that much free time.

I do stuff like that when I'm supposed to be doing other things.

In fact, in the context of my overall life, Donkey Kong is basically a vast and elaborate procrastination scheme.

--- End quote ---

This is the funniest, most honest comment about DK I have ever seen. I completely agree! ;)


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